

Customized Sessions

Most of the services I offer complement each other well and can be combined to create a unique session. For example: elements of Craniosacral Therapy can be incorporated into a massage as could Tuning Forks or Cupping. If this appeals to you, please make me aware when scheduling so we can discuss the options.
**Cupping & Sound Therapy require prior arrangement to ensure the equipment is available **


Relaxation Massage releases muscle tension, reduces stress, improves muscle tone, circulation, range of motion and flexibility, promoting positive mental and emotional states and total body relaxation.

Deep Tissue Massage takes relaxation massage a few steps further. Working on deeper tissues and structures with more pressure, problem areas receive concentrated attention.

CranioSacral Therapy focuses on the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord. It utilizes a light touch to evaluate the function of that system, release restrictions held deep within the body, and improve the function of the central nervous system. It is effective for: back/neck pain, headaches & migraines, TMJ, chronic fatigue, central nervous system disorders, ADD/ADHD, and much more.

SomatoEmotional Release is based on the idea that energetic patterns of unresolved emotions from our experiences can be retained in our tissues. This can cause restrictions that hinder full healing of an injury. The therapist uses craniosacral therapy, guided imagery and dialogue to assist in resolving these patterns.

Cupping Therapy uses negative pressure rather than compression to facilitate tissue release, break up stagnation, and increase blood and lymph flow in tissues. It is very effective when tissue is rigid and unyielding.

Energy Work

Rebirthing Breathwork allows us to bypass, without dishonoring, the part of our brain that needs to give everything a label and creates expectations. This gives us the opportunity to revisit the energy of past experiences and create new healthier pathways that support us moving forward unhindered by non-conscious patterns.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese stress reduction/relaxation technique. It means spiritually guided life energy. Reiki treats the whole being (physical, emotional, mental & spiritual). Once attuned to this energy practitioners are able to offer that energy to others to improve health and well-being.

Sound Therapy is one of the most powerful ways to clear discordant energies and harmonize our natural vibration. I use tuning forks to stimulate energy movement in joints, muscle tissue, chakras, auric fields, and energy meridians.

Flower & Gem Essences approach healing by acknowledging the relationship between our mental/emotional state and the body. When we are "out of sorts" our negative attributes tend to surface. If they are not addressed they can hinder our ability to heal. Essences help us to reconnect with the positive attributes that can help us regain a healthy balance. A combination of essences are mixed in a1 ounce bottle for you based on your current situation and a few drops are taken throughout the day over the course of a few weeks until the bottle is empty. Additional blends can be mixed as needed.
***Flower & Gem Essences consults are not treated as a regular appointment; we will discuss the process and make a plan for delivery. ***

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